Heart of Softness - Day Retreat

Heart of Softness - Day Retreat


Welcome to this one day sanctuary; a space for you to be with yourself, in community (a small group). Come to the peaceful countryside of North Oxfordshire for a day away from everything else in your life. We will move, talk, sing, walk, breathe, journal, be in the silence, share, rest, receive sound and nourishment. Each day retreat will probably find a distinct theme emerging and we will share in exploration of this with gentle practices and ease-filled spaciousness.

For November we are with the theme of connection. What it means to be interconnected with everything, how we seek and/or shy away from human connection, what it is to be in our bodies and have connection within and without. The nature of softness and vulnerability - how we are provided our greatest (seemingly paradoxical) strength in these qualities.

To weave a preparatory cocoon for this day retreat you will also be offered the “Soft Series” of recordings and an invitation into journalling prompts and reflections ahead of our gathering.

Please share any dietary restrictions when booking on email direct to Charlotte.

Charlotte provides a taxi service for up to four people coming from London and if you plan in advance you can get train tickets for £26 (usually/open off peak £36.40).

Transfers provided for these trains:

Leaving 9.32 Marylebone/Arriving 10.42 Banbury

Leaving 18.30 Banbury/Arriving 19.48 Marylebone

Pricing: £66/£88/£111 for low/no income, standard and abundant (including food and transfers for trains).

Use discount coses: NOLO and STANDARD to adjust pricing on checkout.

November 18 2023 day retreat:
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